Dai Ru He Retail Space
Chief designer: Steve Gao;
Assistant Designer: Chen Hao
项目名称 :待入荷商业空间
設計面積:269 ㎡
ShiFang HaoTing -- Dai Ru He
Project Name:Dai ruhe
Design area: 269 m2
Project time: 2017
待入荷,在日语中是“等待到货”的意思,放在中文里,在等待的沉静从容之外,多了 “荷” 的清雅高洁,也让这三个字的组合生出令人向往的雅致画面。
“入荷待ち” means awaiting the arrival of new goods in Japanese. The character “荷”(meaning lotus) in its Chinese counterpart“待入荷” (Dai Ru He) adds to it a touch of elegance apart from the tranquility and easiness in waiting. The combination of the three Chinese characters presents a tasteful and attractive image.
这恰好也是待入荷创始人希望传递的初印象 —— 将日本手艺人多年专注一事的造物态度,对物品保持审慎的敬畏之心,通过可触摸的器物和高品质的展览完整地传达给中国受众,是她的初衷。随着器物传递出的气质,空间有了自己的情绪,而两者的内在融合则让待入荷成为和风雅物拥趸者们的心之所向。
The image happens to be the first impression of “Dai Ru He” Handmade Art Store that its founder has wished to communicate. The initial idea of the brand, from her perspective, is to bring to its Chinese audiences the spirit of dedication and the prudence and reverence the Japanese craftsmen hold dearly to their works through utensils that people can actually touch and exhibitions of high quality. The space for “Dai Ru He” derives its own atmosphere from the vibes the utensils emit, the two have formed an elegant style keenly loved by fans.
After making the acquaintance of the brand’s founder and getting to know her ideas on aesthetics through her images and writing, Steve Gao, designer of the physical store for Dai Ru He, realized what is needed for the space is restraint and modesty.
“人们在线上体验和线下的体验起码需是一致的,在此之上,线下应当好于线上。” 如高志强所说,他希望这个人气颇高的买手店,能够将核心气质完整地延续在线下空间中,但能够通过环境、场域、灯光等等元素获得更加立体生动的感受。
“The experience for a physical store should be consistent with that of an online store at least, or even better”, Gao said. He hopes the core vibes of the brand can be extended into the space of the popular select shop, and be felt more vividly through its environment, space, lightings and other elements.
“This is a commercial project after all.” Steve never shies away from talking about commercial works, the thing is the design needs to follow the basic logics in business and be made around customer experience and perception. A harmonious blend of the space and the things in it should be developed to connect with the client.
He chose grey as the primary color to set the overall tone for the store, making the design less intentional. Structures, forms and colors are presented in modesty and subtlety, which coincides with the standards of the selections of the brand.
The store has three floors, two above the ground and one under the ground. The ground floor is used as the main space for daily exhibits and part of it in the middle is reserved as a lobby, which also serves as a space for crafts exhibition from time to time.
The second floor is dedicated to the collections in the store. At the end of the floor sits a relatively open area where people can sit down to talk and have a rest. This offers another opportunity to see and feel the bright, spacious and quite space and each of the items from a still point of view.
If light was the soul of a space, the soul of this space is quiet, warm and moderate. Each of the lights in the store was designed separately and can be adjusted to fit the sizes, materials and way of display of different subjects. The spot where the light falls on becomes the sole spot for attention against a darker background. When the designated light reaches the transparent glass utensils, the bright spots will allow people to forget about time.
An enlarged glass window on the second floor makes it possible for the items on display to show subtle differences in natural light at different time of the day in all seasons.
Given the fact that there are a lot of glass and iron products, teakwood is chosen by the designer to display the items. The wood grows in Southeast Asia and is made into furniture in a mid-century style. For other wooden products, white tables are used to highlight the plain beauty of each item.
A sense of modesty in color and space and the changeable lightings fill the seemingly quiet place with unlimited possibilities. This dainty and well-lit space can easily turn into a “magical box” as products are sold and new ones arrive, and as the display is adjusted accordingly and events are held.
如高志强所说,“相由心生,心随境转。” 与人、与物、与一处场域,皆是如此。好的环境应当在无形当中勾勒人们的情绪,塑造人们的心境。美好的物品值得花时间等待,值得“浪费”时光与之长久相对。好的买手店,也当如一位不卑不亢、安静谦和的朋友,等待人们走进来,等待佳物遇到它最合适的主人,是为 “待入荷。”
As Steve quotes, “one’s appearance is the reflection of one’s state of mind and the latter may change as the surroundings change.”This applies to people, things as well as spaces. A well-designed space can evoke one’s feelings and shape the state of mind without leaving a trace. Finer things are worth waiting and spending time with. A good select store is like a proud yet humble friend, quiet and modest, waiting for visitors and finding its selections the most appropriate owners, which is the expectation from Dai Ru He.
Project Floor Plan
Name of project: Dai Ru He Handmade Art Store
设计公司:AFFD设计事务所 www.affd.net
Design agency: AFFD Design www.affd.net
Chief designer: Steve Gao (GAO Zhiqiang)
Assistant designer: CHEN Hao, CHEN Deli, PENG Xingyi, LI Ruirui
设计面积:269 平米
Design area: 269m2
Project time: Oct. 2017
Lighting consultant: ZHOU Hongliang
Photographer: SHI Yunfeng
Construction company: Beijing Di Chuang Jian Hao Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.
Jubilee Spring and Autumn
2023 05-30
主创设计师:高志强助理设计师:田诗音、陈浩Main designer: Gao ZhiqiangAssistant designers: Tian Shiyin, Chen Hao
Metro International
2023 05-29
项目名称|新城国际 23项目地点|北京项目面积|276㎡项目设计|AFFD 设计事务所 www.affd.net主案设计|高志强参与设计| 田诗音、 陈浩完工时间| 2022 年 12 月主要材质| WFC&CO 石塑地板、 长虹竖纹玻璃、波音软片、艺术 漆、树脂板;家具、建材品牌|北京维孚科贸有限公司、诚志辉(天津) 建筑装 饰工程有限公司、埃森板业(东莞) 有限公司、东方立美(天津) 建筑装饰材料有限公司项目摄影|史云峰项目视频|肖石明项目策划|境也 Studio
2023 04-21
项目名称| 晋强办公业主信息|上海晋强实业有限公司项目地址|中国 上海项目面积| 450㎡设计公司|AFFD设计事务所 www.affd.net主案设计|高志强参与设计|陈德利、陈浩、田诗音设计时间|2022年7月完工时间| 2022 年12月主要材质|亚克力、烤漆板、玻璃、地毯家具品牌|赫美家具项目摄影| How Find_Studio 张伟豪/陈亦凡项目视频| How Find_Studio 李小白项目策划|境也Studio
2021 08-23
主創設計師:髙志强;助理設計師:陈浩、陈德利;Chief designer: Steve Gao;Assistant Designer: Chen Hao, Chen Deli;
Long Yin, Western Hills
2021 08-23
主創設計師:髙志强;助理設計師:陈浩、陈德利;Chief designer: Steve Gao;Assistant Designer: Chen Hao, Chen Deli;
2021 08-23
主創設計師:髙志强;助理設計師:陈浩、陈德利;Chief designer: Steve Gao;Assistant Designer: Chen Hao, Chen Deli;
Original story by Yihe
2021 07-22
主創設計師:髙志强;助理設計師:陈浩、陈德利;Chief designer: Steve Gao;Assistant Designer: Chen Hao, Chen Deli;
Rong Ze Fu
2021 07-22
主創設計師:髙志强;助理設計師:陈浩、陈德利;Chief designer: Steve Gao;Assistant Designer: Chen Hao, Chen Deli;
Jingdezhen ware
2021 07-22
主創設計師:髙志强;助理設計師:陈浩、陈德利;Chief designer: Steve Gao;Assistant Designer: Chen Hao, Chen Deli;
2021 01-22
当建筑师安藤忠雄Tadao Ando怀着虔诚的心走进偶像勒·柯布西耶Le Corbusier所设计的朗香教堂La Chapelle de Ronchamp时,大师作品所传递出的空间表现力震慑到了安藤,从此坚定了安藤忠雄的建筑之路。这便是空间所构筑出的情绪对于人行为的影响。高志强带领AFFD设计事务所,从探讨空间设计影响使用者的情绪和行为模式作为发力点,让空间情绪影响使用者的行为和体验。“There came upon me was the bursting light with violence from all directions, smacking my body.” When architect Tadao Ando approached the La Chapelle de Ronchamp with devoutly humble, designed by his idol Le Corbusier, he was awestruck and inspired by the bright red, green and yellow light spots piercing through the windows, like countless messy fists from all directions towards him, which firmly strengthen Tadao Ando’s way of architectural design from then on. We believe this is the influence of emotions created by space on human behavior, and also environmental psychology permeates all the aspects of our life. AFFD design, led by GAO Zhiqiang explores the influence of the space design on user’s emotions and behavior patterns, and makes the space scene trigger people's emotions gradually.
2020 09-24
项目地址:深圳Location: Shenzhen设计公司:AFFD设计事务所 www.affd.netAgency: AFFD Design www.affd.net主创建筑师:高志强Chief Designer: Steve Gao (GAO Zhiqiang)辅助设计师:李瑞瑞、陈德利、彭兴益、陈浩Assistant Designers: LI Ruirui, CHEN Deli, PENG Xingyi, CHEN Hao设计面积:210 平米Design Area: 210m2项目完工时间:2020年07月Time of Completion: July, 2020摄影师:史云峰Photographer: SHI Yunfeng施工单位:深圳市湛艺建设集团有限公司Construction Company: Zhanyi Decoration Group