![]() | 高志强,建筑师,室内空间情绪干预设计研究学者,情绪设计应用美学发起人,当代艺术鉴赏与投资专家,精致生活方式资深企划人,国家级设计院院长。 Mr. Gao Zhiqiang Architects, emotional design application scholar, specialist in contemporary art appraisal and investment, senior lifestyle master, president of national design institute. 高志强先生毕业于清华大学美术学院,随后赴欧洲深造,师从意大利国宝级建筑大师马里奥·贝里尼,研习与旅居欧洲多年,深谙欧洲文化与人文生活方式。对精致生活的观察与独到的审美践行经历,让其拥有建筑设计圈时尚先生的美誉。其风趣幽默的沟通性格,可以深度把握设计消费者的设计诉求,并通过精湛的设计技艺准确的表达设计效果。 Mr. Gao Zhiqiang graduated from Tsinghua University School of Fine Arts and then went to Europe to study and study the cultural and humanistic lifestyle from the Italian premier architecture, Mario Berlini, who spent years in Europe. Observation of exquisite life and unique aesthetic experience, so he has the reputation of the architectural circle fashion. The communication character of its humor can be deeply settled by design demands of consumers and expressing the design effect accurately through the fine design technique. 高志强先生结合多年建筑与空间环境的设计实践,提出了“空间情绪设计理论”,并联合心理学、人类学、经济学学者开展跨学科研究,创立了“情绪设计应用美学”的学科体系与设计应用体系,填补了中国建筑与空间环境设计的理论空白。目前致力于“空间情绪设计”在度假空间、商业空间、办公空间、居住空间的设计应用实践。其设计作品简约高雅,极具情绪体验积极影响效应。 Mr. Gao Zhiqiang combined years of design practice in architecture and space environment, put forward the "Space Emotional Design Theory", and cooperated with psychology, anthropology, economics scholars to carry out interdisciplinary research, and established the subject system and design of "Emotional Design Applied Aesthetics" The application system fills the theoretical gap of Chinese architecture and space environment design. At present, he is committed to the design and application of "space emotional design" in vacation space, commercial space, office space, and residential space. Its design works are simple and elegant, and have a positive effect of emotional experience. |
设计表现手法 Presentation of design
- 现代启悟,空间赋彩
- Modern sensation within elegant space
Gao grew up in the 1970s. As one who experienced swift urbanization and revolutionary era in China, he had witnessed the historical change of how urban space transformed from collectivism to individual sensation. He possesses both sharp creativity of the 1980s and prudent thoughts of the 1970s.
Judging from his long resume, Gao can be viewed as an interior designer who is suitable for various types of space. Through his twenty-year career, Gao has always been a loyal expression of modernism. He puts the sensation of art into the combination of shape and space, connecting trail of time to value of design, and creating his unique modern interior design style which is creative and wise. Gao cares about the connection between mankind and nature while abolishing physical forms. Through the simple and smart method, he endeavors to break through traditional perception toward architecture, injecting the trend with imagination, and enabling lively architectural space to influence users positively, making architecture and user one entity.
Contemporary China can be considered as an experimental ground for foreign architects which can potentially create groundbreaking inventions. Many domestic architectural designers behave in a passive manner, which rendering them slaves of formality. To Gao, architectural designers should retain the capability of purification. Through simplification, one may find the most brilliant way of expression. Facing the same project, he tends to come up with numerous solutions through brainstorming with the team. He solves problems through various perspectives, and balances the relationship between mankind, architecture, and nature by cutting down problems, he locates the most humorous and simplest solution to them and accomplishes the perfect design.
- 帷幕之后,功夫在诗外
- Behind the scenes
Gao is a brilliant designer with well-known communication ability. He compares discussion with clients to a romantic relationship. Designers have to understand the intent of clients in various ways, and examines problems through clients’ perspective. Communication is a process with which one may clash with and learn from customers, and place them directly into the procedure of designing, accomplishing the project together ultimately.
One should extensively improve oneself.” The inner qualities of designers are of uttermost importance. Such qualities encompass works, interpersonal attitude, clothing, and words. These elements become the prior factors for the public to determine one’s capability in design. Only when one makes oneself impeccable can one handle various projects with ease. “With a love for life, curiosity for unknown, and well-read mindset, one may solve problems with different perspectives, and design with kindness and humility,” Gao said these qualities are essential to enriching one’s own spirit.
Tony Chi and Leoh Ming Pei are two major Chinese architects that inspires Gao much. Chi designs with the concept of “beautiful and practical, while modern and comfortable” gives space its soul, and injects lively emotion into the design, resulting in perfect works. Pei is known as the guardian of modernism, whose buildings mingles perfectly with nature, with unique space designs that utilize lighting as if it were heavenly signals.
Almost nothing requires as much knowledge as architecture, which combines functionality and culture into one physical space. For years, Gao has been absorbing various inspirations in order to relate himself to new inventions. He has participated in painting, calligraphy, working out, tai-chi, and reading. “Learning tai-chi brings out the spirit in me and enables me to explore inward. The combination and rhythm between yin and yang may look simple on the appearance, yet the core contains rich energy.”
空间情绪设计 回归人文本真 S.E.D. Spatial Emotion Design: return to purity
”Space has to connect with human. The essence of design is to create a more reasonable style of living for mankind.” As Gao implied, the ultimate purpose of design lies in the elegance of architectural space and the comfort of users.
The concept of “S.E.D. Spatial Emotion Design” echoes to the motif of WELL™. WELL™ promotes a campaign to improve public mental health by revolutionizing architecture and space. Through architecture, they provide an integrated model to improve health and mental welfare, which elevates users’ comfort, working efficiency, and emotion. Air, water, nutrition, light, health, comfort, and spirit are considered the seven architectural features that influence health.
Through research and practice, Gao redefines emotional borders between space design and human, introducing S.E.D. Spatial Emotion Design to the domestic architecture design industry. S.E.D. Spatial Emotion Design aims to return space function to users. Through designing and molding of the space, one may dwell within in perfect physical and mental states. To return to pure purity, one has to take the sensational experience of users into consideration. The architecture also has to become a place of elegance. Ultimately, space design can help business owners in creating more added value.
“空间情绪设计论” 创导者
米兰理工大学“设计艺术与空间情绪设计课题” 特聘教授
中国建筑设计集团中设筑邦设计院 副院长
AFFD设计事务所 总建筑师